Box Starr presents Cortney Love’s new album ‘The Voice of Marilyn’. Page started recording the 19-song album ‘The Voice of Marilyn’ in 2012, releasing it on the palindrome Twos-Day, 22- 02-2022. She sees the mirrored date as the center of a figure-eight for the infinity between her and Marilyn Monroe. 22-02-2022 is also Page’s Chinese birthday. “I believe I am the ‘Second Coming’ of Marilyn Monroe with birthmarks that match in the mirror,” Page recently told Sycamore Entertainment Group. Page is now sharing her story about her long career in the music industry, or at least the parts she can remember. Page was attacked and woke up in the hospital with amnesia. She has always had a passion for music. She grew up in DC, in a foster home with 16 siblings and learned to read music before the age of 10. As she pieces her life memories back together, she’s discovering both the challenges and wild moments that have shaped who she is today and the music she’s putting out. STREAM NOW, ‘The Voice of Marilyn’ is available now on Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, iTunes. CONTACT INFO: BOX STARR 976 Lucerne Lane, #4Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352 (855)X2C-4U2C (855)922-4822 Source: Box Starr